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Wolfram Schaffar

"People living with HIV and AIDS in Thailand and the transnational Access campaign." in: Stefan Köngeter and Wendy Smith (eds.): Transnational Agency and Migration – Actors, Movements and Social Support, Routledge Research in Transnationalism Series. London/New York: Routledge.


"Schwellenländer als neue Akteure globaler Normsetzung: Die Zwangslizensierung essentieller Medikamente durch das thailändische und brasilianische Gesundheitsministerium und die Machtverschiebungen im globalen Patentregime" [‘NICs as new actors of global norm setting: the compulsory licensing of essential drugs by the Thai and Brazilian Ministries of Health and the power shifts in the international patent regime’], in: Andreas Nölke, Simone Claar und Christian May (eds.): Der (Wieder-) Aufstieg des Globalen Südens: Politik und Ökonomie der großen Schwellenländer. Reihe "Globale Politische Ökonomie", VS-Verlag.


Ralph Guth

“EU-Krisenpolitik als Verrechtlichung der Demokratie. Autoritärer Konstitutionalismus und die Negation der Volkssouveränität“ [‘EU crisis policy as juridification of democracy. Authoritarian constitutionalism and the negation of popular sovereignty’] in: Momentum Quarterly, Vol. 2 (1), 33-46


Fabian Unterberger

"Juristocracy" als Herausforderung an Soziale Bewegungen im 21. Jahrhundert: vom Erbe Pinochets zur asamblea constituyente?” [‘Juristocracy as a challenge for social movements in the 21st century: From Pinochet‘s legacy to the asamblea constituyente?] in: Momentum Quarterly, Vol. 1 (4), 248–261




Wolfram Schaffar

26. - 28. October 2012: "Political and Social Developments in Thailand in a Global Perspective", Lecture at the podium ‘Redshirts, Thaksin and King. Contesting Democracy in Thailand’  at the international Conference Southeast Asia Today: Dynamics, Contradictions, Perspectives, Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies, Universität Bonn


 26. October 2012: "Constitutionalisms in Comparative Perspective". Presentation at the Conference: Revolution Reborn? Egypt and the Middle East in the Context of Global Forces, Progressive Movements, and Structures of Domination, Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies, Freie Universität Berlin, Center for Middle Eastern and North African Politics at Freie Universität Berlin, Friedrich-Ebert Foundation, Berlin.


7.-8. July 2012 "Introduction to International Development", "Constitutionalism and  Democratization", and "Proportional Representation". Presentations within the Capacity Building Workshop for the Caucus of Civil Parties, organised by the Tampadipa Institut and Friedrich-Ebert Foundation, Naypyidaw, Myanmar.


4.-6. July 2012 "Introduction to Political Science", "International Development",  "Constitutionalism and Democratization", and "Proportional Representation". Presentation  at Capacity Building Workshop for Political Parties, organised by the Tampadipa Institute, People's Democracy Party and Friedrich-Ebert Foundation, Mandalay, Myanmar.


1. July 2012: "Constitutionalism and Political Change", Presentation for project staff of 'Minesweeping through mindsweeping – historical research for reconciliation and democratisation in Myanmar', 450 Merchant Street, Myanmar.


(with Ralph Guth) 2. May 2012: "Social Movements, Legal Consciousness and Constitutionalism". Presentation at the Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok.


 7. March 2012: "Newly Industrialised Countries as New Actors of Global Norm Setting. Compulsory Licensing of Essential Drugs and the Shift in the International Patent Regime", Lecture an the meeting of the research group ‘Development politics’ of the German  Association for Political Science (DVPW): Politics and Economy in the Global Perspective: The (Re-)Emergence of the Global South. Frankfurt a.M., 5.-7. März 2012.


Ralph Guth

 23. January 2013: „Juristokratie versus Volkssouveränität in Thailand. Der Verfassungsprozess seit 2007 und das drohende Scheitern der Demokratie“ [‘Juristocracy versus popular soverignty in Thailand. Constitutionalism since 2007 and the looming failure of democracy’], Presentation at the lecture series ‘ie-talks’, Department of Development Studies, University of Vienna.


29.-30. November 2012: "Towards an Authoritarian European Constitutionalism? EU crisis policy and its impact on European democracy" Presentation at the PhD-Workshop ‘The end of the European social model? EU socio-economic governance in crisis’, Roskilde University, Denmark.


26.-30. September 2012: „EU-Krisenpolitik als Verrechtlichung der Demokratie. Autoritärer Konstitutionalismus und die Negation der Volkssouveränität[‘EU crisis policy as juridification of democracy. Authoritarian constitutionalism and the negation of popular sovereignty’] Presentation at the podium ‘Right, Freedom, and Democracy’ [Recht, Freiheit und Demokratie] at the Momentum Congress Democracy, Hallstatt, Austria.


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